
Friday, 1 June 2012


I'm an intermittent runner. I'd like to do it more regularly, I love the feeling of being able to run and the feeling of having been for a run. I just don't like the feeling of actually running. However, of all the things I've ever tried to do in order to be fitter / lose weight etc running has worked by far the best. About 10 years ago I ran pretty regularly and was able to cover around 10k distance fairly easily. Then I stopped, the habit was lost and I resumed a life of inactivity. Last summer I got a random spurt of motivation and started up again - got to about 7k and then stopped for no good reason. In January this year I set a goal of being about to run half marathon distance by August but have only been for one run since. Oh dear.

Desperate times call for desperate measures so with that in mind I've signed up for Juneathon. It's a public commitment to run every day during June and blog about it (by coincidence blogging regularly was another one of my new year's resolutions as yet unachieved... two birds, one stone...).

Day one - so far so good... day down, twenty nine to go. This is the first time I have run in about six months so I was expecting it to be much harder than it actually turned out to be. More of a trot than a run, and with a few 60 second walks thrown in, but I still managed to cover 4.7k in 35 minutes without too much trouble. The run also ended with an epic Rocky-style run up a really long bridge which I was sure would kill me but didn't. Verdict on day one - yay! Now let's see how I feel tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Yay - well done, Lorna. By the way: I love the name of your blog. It sounds quite 'illegal' which is an interesting twist given your interest in NI politics.

    Keep going - actually, strike that: keep running :-)
